Now, that is an amazingly long title, but the event itself justifies the lack of brevity. Starting on April 11th, the most eclectic assortment of literature nerds will amass in the Theatre District. From all over the city (or, who knows, the world!!) we will gather at 410 W. 47th St. for more than four full days of Shakespeare-y goodness. Full days. As in non-stop. As in...can't put it much more clearly than that actually, it just doesn't stop. Participants will be reading the works of Shakespeare aloud around the clock, and yours truly will be attempting to participate for a solid twenty-four hours.
*Facepalm*, meet *facebook*. Facebook, don't sue me. |
For my stint in 2014's Marathon, I pulled two separate all-nighters in order to read the roles I wanted. I was also performing in a show in New Jersey, matinees and all, so those were long days. But it was worth it. And this year, I believe, I've gone above and beyond. First of all, let's look at the schedule:
Monday 4/13
6:24pm Macbeth - Malcolm
8:21pm Measure for Measure - Angelo
10:35pm The Merchant of Venice - Ensemble/Launcelot Gobbo
Tuesday 4/14
12:42am The Merry Wives of Windsor - Master Frank Ford
2:45am Much Ado About Nothing - Benedick
4:47am Othello - Iago
7:35am Pericles - Simonedes
9:31am Richard II - Richard II
11:43am Richard III - Buckingham
2:38pm Romeo and Juliet - Mercutio
5:04pm The Taming of the Shrew - Petruchio
In case you've been living in a David-free zone for the past few years (and I will find you), Petruchio is possibly my favorite role in Shakespeare's canon. I've been fortunate enough to play him twice, but I can't (and won't. Aren't? Amn't? WoƦrn't.) forgo reading those wonderful words anytime soon. This, I imagine, will be the giddiest I've ever played him, which is saying something. Sleep deprivation will do that to a guy.
I tried not to hoard all of the protagonists, and succeeded moderately in that respect. Launcelot Gobbo's just a fun clown-y bit, and I have no idea who Simonedes even is (or how to say it). It was tempting to take Romeo and end on three roles I've already done -- I may even still be off-book for Buckingham -- but I'm content. Again, reading Mercutio with the alacrity granted only by the joy of sleeplessness should be a blast.
Pictured: last year's alacrity. |
But, as I've gotten older, I've started to wean myself off of doing something for nothing. I mean that both in the very self-centered way it initially sounds, and also the...other way...the not self-centered way. That's why this marathon reading will be not only a massive artistic endeavor, but a philanthropic one as well. I will be live-streaming the entirety of my "performance" in order to raise money for charity. There are only two hurdles I have to overcome:
1. I can't decide what charity to raise for.
2. I don't know how to live-stream an event in order to raise money for charity. of the publication of this blog, I don't actually know how any of it works. The model off of which I'm working is that of several video game vloggers, Let's Play-ers and the like, but they've been working through a specific website and program called And for the life of me, I can't find an equivalent for something not-video game-related. But I've only got a week to figure it out, and I am tenacious when it comes to deadlines. Still, if anyone has any advice, experience, or expertise, please feel free to reach out.
To summarize, this is a multiple call-to-action. You should:
-Join me for as much or as little of the Marathon Reading as you can (Sign up Here)
-Tune into the Live Stream (#daviddoesshakespeare)
-Donate if you can, Share either way (More details to follow)
-Wish me luck (Seriously)
I've pulled all-nighters before, but this is going to be a special kind of emotionally-rampant roller coaster, and I'm excited to see who's along for the ride. I'm expecting new friends, old acquaintances, and everyone in between. (Except members of Actor's Equity; not allowed to film them. Oh! Also, I forgot to mention. In addition to reading two of my favorite leading men, Petruchio and Benedick, I get to do so across from the lovely and talented (and lovely!) Megan Greener! So if you've ever wondered about what the chemistry between those two would be like, this'll be your chance.
Warning: The excess of cuteness may lead to diabetic shock. |
Also, she'll be there to make sure I get home safely, so...everyone can rest a little more easily there. But there's my quick 800-word update. Thank you all for your time, attention, support and love. See you when I see you, and May the Bard Be With You!
I'm David Andrew Laws, and I can be reached by:
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And for more information, you can visit (Under Maintenance! But still active)
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And for more information, you can visit (Under Maintenance! But still active)
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